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From Servitude to Slavery in the Chesapeake Region

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 12 years, 4 months ago

Slavery and Its Legacies in North America  
Systems of slave labor and other forms of unfree labor (e.g. indentured servitude, contract labor) in Native American societies, the Atlantic world, and the American south and west.  The economics of slavery and its racial dimensions.  Patterns of resistance and the long-term economic, political and social effects of slavery



Indentured servants  Because of the massive amounts of tobacco crops planted by families, "indentured servants" were brought in from England to work on the farms.  In exchange for working, they received transatlantic passage and eventual "freedom dues", including a few barrels of corn, a suit of clothes, and possibly a small piece of land


Bacon’s Rebellion (1676): Former servants against the government in 1676. The elite turned to a more controllable force of labor inslaves, which had first been brought to Virginia in 1619.

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